Health Tips Blog
Our articles are written to help you achieve a pain-free and active lifestyle. Stay informed in your journey to better health with PRO Therapy
An Interview With Voyage Minnesota
“We all can empathize with wanting to find a place that hears you. Truly hears what you’re saying....
Can Kinesiology Tape Help With My Pain?
Are you worried about starting physical therapy because of pain? It's an entirely normal concern...
Why Our Coon Rapids Physical Therapy Team Is Amazing!
I'd like to take a moment to tell you about our Coon Rapids Physical Therapy Team, and why I'm so...
Dry Needling 201
One of the biggest objections to Physical Therapy we hear on a regular basis is “I’ve already...
Running & Foot Strike Pattern
Whether you’re a casual runner getting a run or two a week in for some exercise, or a competitive...
Kinesiology Tape: Beyond the Athlete
A common objection to Physical Therapy we hear far too often is, “I’ll wait to start PT until my...
How to Avoid Low Back Pain When Golfing
Golf is a sport that gets a lot flack for being an “old man’s game” that requires minimal effort...
What is Virtual Physical Therapy?
Virtual Physical Therapy, Telerehab, Telehealth and Digital PT are some of the different names you...